
    By puntoopera

    Grandissimo successo per Maria Luigia Borsi nel ruolo di Liù in Turandot presso l’Opera di Pittsburgh: “The most artistically satisfying singing of the evening was done by Maria Luigia Borsi in the comparatively small and somewhat ungrateful role of Liù. Her beautifully pure soprano tones throbbed with emotion in her two arias, and she brought out the devotion and timidity of the character in a manner that was heart-rending. Her most delicate singing carried through the expanses of the Benedum most exquisitely.” George B. Parous, Turandot, Pittsburgh in the Round, 27 marzo 2017. Disponibile all’indirizzo: http://www.pghintheround.com/turandot/ Foto di David Bachman (www.davidbachmanphotography.com)

    About puntoopera
    Maria Luigia Borsi